jueves, 25 de julio de 2019

Interview - Skullcrush

Conduced by Ideal Master of the Holy Crypt

1.Brutal and putrid greetings of Perú,mate! How going the things in Skullcrush?
Things have been going well, we just finished recording our new record back in May, we are looking forward to sharing it with the world.

2.Tell us how is form this raw band of morbid and filthy death metal called Skullcrush? Hows been the beginnings?
Skullcrush wasn’t initially created as anything, I had a few riffs that started morphing into songs for a solo project but was unsure of how to structure them without hearing the drums. I had connected with Grand Marshall of Hell in the fall of 2017 to hear my riffs with drums and we just decided to piece together these songs, which in turn prompted the formation of the band.

3.Noisy discography of Skullcrush?
Currently we have one EP, “Visions of the Firestorm Eclipse”, that was released in July of 2018, and a single titled “The Burning Wheel” that was released in October of the same year.

4.Bloody influences at Skullcrush?
Every one of us is influenced by a wide variety of bands that span different subgenera of metal, even some completely outside of metal itself. There’s so much to list that we like to say, for Skullcrush at least, that we are influenced by the countries of Sweden, Finland, and England when it comes to death metal, grind, and raw punk influences.

5.Some members of Skullcrush have another proyect paralell?
Every member of Skullcrush has ties to other bands and projects. More notable ones include Woundvac, Sovereign, Röntgen, and Savage Necromancy. 

6.Explain some more about the actual rotten death metal scene from your city and recommend some bands.
Underground metal in general has been kicking ass in Arizona the last couple of years, I don’t think there’s specifically a death metal scene rather than a collective of good metal bands that range from death, thrash, black, and grind that form our scene into a cohesive group. Pretty much every show we’ve played has been a mixed bill of bands that have different sounds but are similarly raw and share the same crowds, which makes for awesome gigs. Check out Heinous, Bloodlust, Languish, and Feretory. 

7.Skullcrush knows death metal scene of South America?
Definitely, I really fuck with Mortem who happen to also be from Peru, though I’d say we are more into the black and war metal scenes of South America, Goatpenis is played almost weekly, and I also dig Grave Desecrator and Slaughtbbath. 

8.Stuff avaliable of Skullcrush at the moment? where death metal maniacs can find the stuff?
Currently our EP can be purchased through Redefining Darkness Records in North America/Western Hemisphere, and also through Raw Skull Recordz in Europe/Eastern Hemisphere. 

9.Morbid future plans?
Our new record is finished and will be released in the fall of this year through Raw Skull/Redefining Darkness. We don’t play many shows but will have a few lined up to coincide with the record release. Only time will tell what happens next.

10.Last words and thanks for your time in this interview! Keep sick!
Thank you for reaching out to us.

Death Metal Victory!

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