lunes, 22 de julio de 2019

Interview - Phrenelith

1.Rotten and twisted greetings of Perú! How are things going at Phrenelith? 
SD: Things are good in Phrenelith, we’re slowly putting the final touches to a new record, that’ll be 6 songs clocking in around 28 min, so I guess it could be considered a MLP in some way. Other than that, we’re playing some sporadic shows, including a couple of festivals this summer and our first time in Japan in October. 

2.Tell us how this infamous band of sick death metal called Phrenelith formed? 
How were the beginnings? 
SD: Phrenelith formed around late 2013 by three like-minded individuals, who’s sole purpose in life is to worship at the altar of death metal. A demo was recording and soon a bassist was recruited to complete the line-up and we started playing shows. Our beginnings were overall fun, since we were all trying out something a little new, even though we had all played in death metal bands before. Countless stories can be told about that time, but that’ll will be for a another time haha.  

3.Aperrant influences at Phrenelith? 
SD: Our influences are all our the place, but the core of it would be both old and contemporary death metal of course. We do find ideas and inspiration outside of metal, especially the lyrics come from far off places. 

4.Do some members of Phrenelith have another projects, parallel to the band? 
SD: YES! All of us has other bands that we play in parallel to Phrenelith, many in the same vein as Phrenelith, others not. 

5.Explain some more about actual putrid death metal scene from your city and recommend some bands. 
SD: The Copenhagen death metal scene seems very much alive and thriving, with bands like Deiquisitor, Taphos, Sulphurous, Chaotian and bands featuring members of Phrenelith like Undergang, Hyperdontia and Ascendency. New projects are constantly brewing, so I’m sure there’s many good things to come.      

6.Phrenelith knows evil death metal scene of Southamerica? 
SD: Of course there’s many south american bands we are aware of in both death, black, and thrash metal. A lot of good bands have originated from there through the times.

7.Stuff avaliable of Phrenelith at the moment? where maniacs can find the stuff? 
SD: We have plenty of merch available at all times since we keep making new designs and new pressings as long as there’s interest in the band. Most of our sales these days goes through Extremely Rotten Productions, but our respective labels sell some of our merch too. The band can be contacted on mail as well as through Facebook.

8.Morbid future plans? 
SD: We have the before mentioned record that will hopefully soon be recorded and put out and as soon as we finish that one, work on the next will begin right away. Other than that we have many shows planned and maybe a tour or two to a continent we have yet to play in.

9.Last words insane freaks and thanks for your time in this interview,keep doing insane and pestilent death metal!
SD: Thanks for doing the interview. DEATH METAL ETERNAL!

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