jueves, 18 de julio de 2019

Interview - Born Sick

1.Noisy greetings of Peru,Brian! How going the things at Born Sick?
Hello, No Te Calles Zine! Born Sick is doing rad, man. We are prepping for an August tour and have a split coming out on Die Laughing Records with RAW POWER from Italy!

2.Tell us how is form this destructive band of fast hardcore called Born Sick? Hows been the beginnings?
Originally the band started in 2017 and was Nate, Becky, Dee, and Ryan. We all live in Vancouver, WA. Nate and I used to play in a bunch of D-Beat and Thrash-Punk bands in Portland, OR. I joined 1 year after the band started and we put out our album “... Otherside of the Trakks” and went on our first west coast tour last fall. 

3.Releases of Born Sick?
Full length release is “... Otherside of the Trakks” which is available on all streaming platforms or for sale through BandCamp. We have the Raw Power split coming out in July 2019 called “Sick with Power”. It’s going to be two brand new songs from both bands. Nate grew up worshiping this band and turned me on to them about 5-6 years ago. They are gods of hardcore punk!

4.Loud influences at Born Sick?
We listen to all forms of punk from UK ‘82 to grindcore and thrash. I like a lot of black and death metal but that’s probably because I’m a guitar nerd.  Basically our formula is “go fast, sound crushing, make it evil and dark sounding, shred, kill, repeat”. We try to keep the energy levels high at all times with very few breaks for oxygen.

5.Some members of Born Sick have another project parallel?
Nate and I played in the Hammered Grunts and SpeedWitch out of Portland but at the moment we are all just doing this band. Ryan has a solo project called “Pall Smenis” where he sings about his old life on heroin a lot and shitting his pants etc. It’s acoustic kind of music but fucking good. I usually hate “folk punk” but the homie knows how to do it without being a pussy.

6.Brian explain some more about actual hardcore from your city and recommend some bands.
There aren’t any other hardcore bands from Vancouver, WA that come to mind aside from RKC (Road Kill Carnivore) but I think they are all relocated to Portland. PDX is only 10 minutes from us across the state line and we all know about Poison Idea, Defiance but I have to give it to Cliterati right now. They are fucking brutal. Generation Decline from Bremerton, WA is a great crust/hardcore group, too.

7.Born Sick knows hardcore scene of Southamerica?
I can’t say we know a lot about it but we want to! I checkout Peruvian hardcore comps on YouTube all the time. Bands like Autopsia, KAOS. Guerrilla Urbana. Great classic hardcore. I’m on the hunt for new South American music recommendations!

8.Stuff available of Born Sick at the moment? where punxs can find the stuff?
BandCamp, Die Laughing Records webstore, or the Born Sick Facebook page. We have hats, shirts, CDS, stickers, pins, etc. ALL THE GOOD SHIT MAN. 

9.Morbid future plans?
We are starting to hit the festival scene and are booked for some this year and next. We can’t say what festivals yet because they haven’t announced the lineups and shit. We want to play South America and the rest of the world! 

10.Last words Brian and thanks for your time in this interview,something you want to add?
Thanks a fuck of a lot for the interview, David. Great questions. I love meeting new people from all over the international heavy music scene so these zine interviews and shit are fun to do. Have Born Sick out to Peru sometime to blast some earholes!

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