miércoles, 31 de julio de 2019

Interview - Chaotian

1.Infamous and putrid greetings of Perú,Søren! How going the morbid things at Chaotian?
Goresoaked salutations from Killtown, David! Things are a bit slow these days, we are all spread out over the summer - but soon we'll get back to the rehearsal room and get ready for KTDF!

2.Hows been the begings at Chaotian? As was the bestial deformation of Chaotian?
We started out just Andreas and I, looking to play death/thrash more in the vein of Demolition Hammer, Morbid Saint and Sadus etc. We wrote a song and did some covers, but shortly after Jonas Grønborg entered the band we all pretty much agreed the Kill-town Death Metal style was what we wanted to play. Everything from there on has been the corruption of our local scene - it's been wild!

3.Aberrant discography of Chaotian?
So far, we only have two demos to our name 'Where Gods Excarnate' and 'Festering Carcinolith'.

4.Deadly influences at Chaotian?
Immolation, Incantation, Undergang, Demilich, Autopsy, Nile, Phrenelith, Blood Incantation, Pissgrave, Morbid Angel, Infester, Cruciamentum and many, many more have all meant a lot to us. We draw from a fuck ton of bands, as long as we can make it fit in our idea of death metal!

5.Some members of Chaotian have another proyect paralell?
Not really, I have a black metal project with my brother called Lindorm, and Andreas is cooking up some black metal too. Apart from that, I don't think we have much.

6.Søren explain some more about actual rotten death metal scene from your city and recommend some bands.
Kill-town Death Metal barely needs explaining, it's rotten, filthy death in the old vein. Every band is as poser crushing and relentless as the next.

7.Chaotian knows rotten death metal scene of Southamerica?
Mortem and Mutilator for sure, Sarcofago and early Sepultura too. I know of Anal Vomit too, but haven't gotten too deep into their stuff sadly! Need to look out for some more SA death.

8.Stuff avaliable of Chaotian at the moment? where death metal maniacs can find the stuff?
We currently have our newest demo available for purchase on tape, but not the first demo (Where Gods Excarnate) as it's all sold out from our side!

9.Gruesome future plans at Chaotian?
Kill-town Death Fest, and then it's all about our debut album!

10.Last words Søren and thanks for your time in this interview! Keep infernal!
Stay sick, support the local scene and crush!!! Thank you Diego, keep it vile!

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