lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

Audiotrauma "Atrofia" Tape en las sucias calles pronto!

Pueden escuchar los temas de lo que sera la primera produccion de los ruidosos Audiotrauma en tape llamada "Atrofia".
Grindcore hecho en Trujillo-Perú.
Esta edición estará a cargo del sello The Horde of Nebulah. 

domingo, 26 de marzo de 2017

Entrevista - In Caso Di Nausea

1.- Rápidos y furiosos saludos desde Perú, Nico, ¿cómo va todo por allá?
In Caso di Nausea: Todo bien, sin novedad.

2.- ¿Cuéntanos como se forma esta podrida banda de nombre In Caso Di Nausea? 
ICDN: Todos nosotros nos conocemos hace muchos años, algunos más y otros menos. Particularmente Jaime (guitarra) y yo (Nicolás, voz) hemos tocado en distintas bandas como Ruido Genital, Colapso Auditivo y  Disputa. Fue esta última que nos mantuvo ocupados por varios años hasta el 2010-2011 que es Disputa ya comenzaba a dar luces de una eventual separación. 
Por su parte, Pancho (ex guitarra) y Juan (batería) se encontraban en una situación similar pero en un proyecto power violence que se llamaba Meursault quienes también mostraban signos de agonía. Luego de la ruptura de ambas bandas Pancho y Juan (Osito) nos sugirieron a Jaime y a mí unir fuerzas para armar un nuevo grupo, esta vez más directo y con menos cambios de ritmo, alejándonos un poco de aquello conocido como power violence que tanto Disputa como Meursault venían ejecutando. Es así como durante el año 2011, si mal no recuerdo, empezamos a ensayar y hacer las primeras canciones en una mini sala en el centro de Santiago que compartíamos con otras bandas.
Al cabo de un tiempo sufrimos una baja momentánea ya que Jaime se fue a vivir a Buenos Aires por dos años y es en ese momento que entra Cristian (Tuto) en bajo y Pancho pasa a la guitarra. Con esta formación seguimos y Jaime se unía cada vez que viajaba a Santiago durante ese periodo. Posteriormente es Pancho quien deja la banda y nos mantuvimos con la formación que se conoció hasta nuestra disolución con Juan en batería, Cristian en bajo, Jaime en guitarra y Nicolás en voces. 

3. ¿Cuánto material ha editado In Caso Di Nausea?
ICDN: Primero editamos por nuestra cuenta 50 tapes que ya están agotados. Es una grabación en vivo en el studio Subterráneo records con la participación de los 5 integrantes, a dos guitarras en el año 2013. 
Y en estos momentos estamos trabajando en nuestra segunda y último registro. Este material fue grabado durante el 2016 en Gitano Studio en Santiago también y será próximamente editado por  Masapunk Records. 

4. ¿Cuáles son sus principales influencias para hacer tanta destrucción?
ICDN: Escuchamos distintos tipos de música no sólo hardcore. Nuestras influencias musicales van desde Hellnation, Dropdead, E-150, Denak, Los Chichos, Juaneco y su Combo, Infest, Dios Hastío, Spazz, Plutocracy, entre otras. También películas, escritores, dibujantes, etc.

5. ¿Algún miembro de In Caso Di Nausea tiene otro proyecto paralelo?
ICDN: Sí, hay varios. Cristian  toca bajo en una banda surf-punk que se llama  Gangrena Surf, también toca bajo y canta en Cotard que es más death-black muy en la  de Von, Blasphemy, etc. Tiene otro proyecto post-punk donde toca batería que se llama Terminal. Jaime toca en Marcel Duchamp  quienes tienen  vasta trayectoria.

6. Cuéntanos un poco más acerca de la escena hc crust power violence de tu ciudad.
ICDN: En la actualidad existen muchas bandas, sellos, tokatas, zines y gente involucrada en la música más rápida. Hay una banda donde canta una chica que se llama Muerte Total que es muy recomendable. Declive que es hardcore a la Negative Approach, Error Fatal de Sistema, Maldecir, Kubark, Anti-Tanax, Morder, Cabeza de Tigre, 886VG, Matahero, Zaherir, Misa HIstérica, Enfermos Terminales, T.A.M., Viejo en Bici, Sidosis, Bombardeo, Hervor, Contra el Asfalto, Richard Harrison, Terror Sonoro, entre otras que no recuerdo de momento.

7. ¿Conoces la escena hc crust grind power violence de Peru?
ICDN: Obviamente, conocemos bandas, zines y sellos tanto antiguos como nuevos. Nos gusta mucho Dios Hastío, Descontrol, Los Saicos, Voz Propia, Sor Obscena,  Dictadura de Conciencia, Autopsia, Delirios Krónikos, Atrofia Cerebral, Los Yorks, Narcosis, T.S.M, Sordecer, Ataque Frontal, Kaos Endémiko, Sistemas de Aniquilación, G-3, etc.

8. ¿Material disponible de In Caso Di Nausea? ¿dónde se puede conseguir?
El disco póstumo estará disponible en el transcurso del 2017 a través de Masapunk Records, se pueden contactar con ellos a través de su página en Facebook o a

9. Nico, gracias por tu tiempo, ultimas líneas.
Gracias a ti por el espacio e interés y que siga todo bien con el No te Calles.

sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017



Porque el HC/Punk es más que ruido, estaremos organizando un concierto 100% HTM/DIY a beneficio de lxs damnificadxs por los huaicos, lluvias y desbordes en Perú.

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

Interview - Plague Rages

1.Bestial greetings from Peru grind maniacs from Plague Rages! hows going everything there! 
Hello David and thank you very much for the opportunity to be interviewed for your zine, also hello to everyone who is reading this interview. For us Plague rages is very cool to be able to participate in your zine.

2.Plagues Ragues is a band from intense grindcore in the vein from old Napalm Death,Terrorizer,Nasum,tell us more how is form Plague Rages brother. 
Well, the Plague Rages started in 1996, with influences from the bands you mentioned, especially the Napalm Death haha, we also had (and still have) influences from death metal, bands like Obituary, Cannibal Corpse, Death, etc. Over the years, our sound became more grindcore , especially after we heard Nasum ahahah. From the beginning we dedicated ourselves to put out a lot of material, doing many shows and always making new friendships.

3.How many stuff have edited Plagues Rage in his chaotic existence?
We released many, many materials in these more than 20 years of band, many splits, both cd's and vinis, tapes and also we released an EP via instagram in 2016 that I like a lot. The CDs and vinyls we have are:
PLAGUE RAGES/ LD50 – split 7” EP
PLAGUE RAGES – Eles vivem entre nos – 7” EP
PLAGUE RAGES – Subordinados pela Peste – CD
PLAGUE RAGES – Apocalipse Iminente – CD
PLAGUE RAGES – Atos de Retaliação – CD 
4 Ways to Grind - 4 way CD with NOIA, Baga and Cachorro da Duença

4.Gruesome influences in Plague Rages? 
We have a lot of influences, besides musicals, we also like movies, our full lenght Apocalipse Iminente was entirely based on the movie "The 12 Monkeys", the EP "Eles vivem entre nós" was based on the movie "They live" we also like Comic Books, our Split with FUCK had the lyrics inspired by a Hulk comic book, the most part of our lyrics have an influence on this shit society that we live and its social problems.

5.Some member from Plague Rages have another proyect paralalell? 
Yes, our bassist Kiko has many bands, he plays in a Post rock band called Labirinto, in a neo crust band called Reiketsu, in a crust band called Rastilho (with former members of Abuso Sonoro) and our drummer Douglas has a Death metal band called Infinity Horror and also plays in Into the End, band that our ex- bassist Antonio (who unfortunately died in 2015) founded .

6.Wich is your opinion about the actual grindcore scene around the world?
I think we are in a very good moment, there are many bands around the world producing quality material, an example of this is the Obscene Extreme festival that has existed for more than 15 years and where more than 60 play pass every year.

7.You know some from extreme scene from Southamerica? maybe Perú? 
Of course, we have a very strong scene in South America (and in Latin America too), our two full lenghts were released by the Latin Core of Ecuador, we have a split cd with the Colombians from the band Fuck (Which was released by a label from Costa Rica), we have already done a tour in Chile, we have a split tape with a band from Costa Rica (SRT), that is, we have a lot of contact with bands and labels from Latin America and South America From Peru I know the band SFC, they have already done two tours in Brazil and have a very good Split cd with the Brazilian band NOIA. What I think we need more is to unite to make our scene as strong as that of Europe, we have a very large continent and I believe our exchange can improve.

8.Plague Rages stuff avaliable? 
At the moment we have a new shirt and also a 4 way cd with the bands Plague Rages, NOIA, Baga and Cachorro da Duenca, this cd is a homage to our brother Antonio, former bass player of Plague Rages who died in 2015.

9.Morbid future plans in Plague Rages? 
We are doing a full lenght new that will be called Hecatombe and also sounds for future splits.

10.Emmanuel thanks for your time in this interview,last words brother.
Many thanks for the space and long life to the zine. Crush Nazism, Fascism, chauvinism and all forms of oppression.

Bulla Extrema - Fanzine / Records / Distribution

Interview - Psychoneurosis

1.First thanks to do this chaotic interview! greetings from Peru Rafal,how are you brother? hows going the things there?
Hello David.Greetings from Poland/Uk.Thank you for your interest.Just we ended up recorded new songs for upcoming split cd.You waiting for that.Soon on Selfmadegod records.This is my second interview to peruwian zine ,first one was about 20 years ego for Bulla Extrema my friend Miguel/Hi Miguel/So let’s start.

2.Psychoneurosis is a old school grindcore band from Poland! give us a short bio about the existence from this destructive band from intense grindcore!
We started in September 1991.First line up was two-person composition,later line up grew up sometimes we were in 3 persons,sometimes 4,once we were in 5 persons but is too much for grind core hahahaah.In my opinion 3 persons is the best solution.The less peoplein the band is the better deal.If you know what I mean?For 10 years of existence of band the biggest our problem was change of members.One day I deceided split up band.After 15 years I missed the music so we made reunion and we are!Currently I think is very good and stable line up.I think so.

3.How many stuff have Psychonuerosis out?
Over a dozen split tapes,2 demos,1 MC,1 full ep,1 split ep,1 discography cd I think that’s all.
After reunion we prepare split cd,T-shirts so be cautions!

4.Raw and loud influences?
Really much it was.We listening to diffrent kind of music.From punk to grindcore. I do not know what the other members are listening to.I  like short,fast and loud hahaha But my huge inspiration is Phobia,Agathocles,Nasum,Rotten Sound,Cryptic Slaughter,Infest,old Napalm Death and others.

5.Some member from Psychoneurosis have another proyect paralell?
Yes,Jasiu and Laski are playing in Bottom,very good grind/metal band from Poland.I recommend!

6.Back to 90s tell us how was the grindcore scene in your city/country? what bands did they exist?
In my city never been grindcore band and scene except  us,if speak in the country I really liked Schismopathic,Third Degree,Squash Bowels,Neuropathia,Grossmember,Self Hate....Currently  our scene is very weak a few bands,sometimes someone organise gig for grindcore bands I don’t know why this is happening?Where in other country is much better.This situation is like 20 years ego.This is sad but true.

7.Which is your opinion about the actual grindcore scene around world?
I think in the World condiction grind scene is very good.Still the best is in Usa,Japan,Uk,Czech republic or Germany.I don’t understand but for example in my country for concert comes a lot people,they buy records ,they really like it and still we have not enough grindcore bands?No promote grindcore music in Poland  because is too hard,too fast?But too have fans so do something good for grindcore,fuck fashion metal bands,play fast or die!!!!!!!Too much beers hahahaha

8.You know the grindcore scene from Southamerica? In the old times Pyschoneurosis shared a split tape with Descarga Nociva from Perú.
Yes ,of course.I know Autopsia,Ritual,Descarga Nociva,Insensibilidad energica,Atrofia cerebral or other projects of Miguel.This split we made in 1992 thanks for that I met a lot of southamerican bands,someone met Psychoneurosis in Peru,it was beautiful time and crazy days.Good old times!

9.Stuff from Psychoneurosis avaliable?
At the moment we haven’t anything,everything from us is sold out!Maybe you find something in polish distros,maybe ebay,amazon.Iam sorry  I don’t know.

10.Morbid future plans in Psychoneurosis?
Hard to say.I live in Uk rest of the band in Poland.We have rarely rehearsal and any recordings.I missed for that.We would like to play more gigs,soon record something new.In the future we have booked gigs to Poland,Czech republic,Holland and Belgium so everything going well,keep it up.What else?Be happy it is the most important.

11.Rafal thanks for your time in this interview,last words brother..
I thank you for your support. We salute all the readers.You waiting for our new stuff for Selfmadegod records. We invite you to visit our site on facebook.Cheers and stay grind!